
Life in a bubble. When we grow up, we develop a set of beliefs and values that define our "bubble" - the world in which we want to live. These beliefs are often wrong, irrational and cause "demand disease", which leads to numerous stresses, neuroses and breakdowns. How to recognize and stop living in a bubble? You will find out from the latest blog.
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Autumn Solstice — beat the blues! The changing seasons do not go unnoticed on our body. Every change has consequences. The autumn solstice is no different. To avoid the blues, we must react appropriately - adapt. How to prepare for the autumn solstice? How to overcome the blues? In this blog you will find some practical advice!
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Jealousy. The way we were brought up and the environment we lived in have a terrific impact on our self-esteem and our dealings with others. Each one of us should consider taking a closer look at the emotions produced and projected to others. It becomes even more important if we have problems with building stable and satisfying relationships. What can be the cause of low self-assessment? How to cope with negative feelings? This article will answer these questions.
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Endurance. This article develops the third point from the previous blog called A Boy:Never give up! and it closes this series. What do we call endurance? Why and how to develop it? The answers to these questions are coming right up! Though I directly speak to men, each reader can make good use of these thoughts!
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Mentor. This article is the next part of the Adam's hardships [III]. A Boy: and develops the second point in our road to manhood maturity - You are not alone! It discusses the meaning and the role a mentor plays in the life of each one of us.
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Pandemics. We are fed up with living during this pandemics. For many of us life will never be the same. We can say that virtually everything has changed: our plans, dreams, and goals. How to deal with the new reality? Read these three practical instructions which can increase your level of happiness.
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Eve's wound [III]
In the pursuit of love. Sad sounds floated through the air. She sat with her nose stuck to the glass, watching the paths created by raindrops. The window appeared to be crying. A street lamp threw light onto her cheek, revealing a big teardrop falling down to her lips. She felt so lonely and unloved. She dreamed of someone taking her in his arms, and [...]
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Three pillars...
... happiness! In the pursuit of happiness people… lose their happiness. The thing they try to hold so tight becomes unreachable. It’s just like chasing after the wind. Effort and energy needlessly wasted. Why does that happen? Because we don’t understand the basic mechanisms that create our body[...]
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