Autumn Solstice — beat the blues!

It's wonderful to rush through life with energy! The wind blows in your hair, the sun's rays cover your face, the corners of your mouth turn up and your soul laughs happily. You remain in a state of bliss and happiness. And suddenly the bubble bursts! Out of nowhere, the blues appear - discouragement. The corners of the mouth fall down, the blush disappears and a dull, pale color appears in its place. Apathy, bald trees and greyness.
Have you felt the same way? Or maybe you're starting to feel it right now? Many people feel it when the timezone changes! This is a normal phenomenon that occurs after summer. In summer, when the sun shines longer, it gives us more energy and natural vitamin D. This makes us feel energetic and more motivated to act. Higher temperatures mean that your body uses less energy to warm your body and your brain can focus on other things.
Additionally, for most people it is a time of fun, vacation and an increased dose of relaxation, which promotes well-being. And so, accelerated and fired up, we fall into a new cycle of nature, when everything begins to die and prepare for hibernation. However, we, with a bit of bewilderment, try not to notice it or, worse still, we deliberately ignore these signs of nature. Yet they send us clear messages.
What are these messages? Slow! Get ready for the autumn solstice! Since nature does it, when trees shed their leaves, plant vegetation dies, and many forest animals begin to sleep, so the more we should react and make appropriate preparations.
So you're telling me I should prepare for hibernation? It's not possible! I still have to do the same chores, take care of the house, work, kids, etc. You're right, that's obvious, but that doesn't mean you can't do anything about it. It is obvious that when autumn comes and the temperature outside begins to drop, you adapt your wardrobe to this change. But for many people, it's the only thing they change, the only thing they adapt to. And this is significantly too little! Because if you take care of your body, you also have to take care of your soul. These two things are connected and to feel good, they must work together harmoniously.
So the first thing we should do is just slow down. As nature slows down, so do we! Accept that you cannot function as intensely as you can in the summer. Now you need more time to look at yourself and listen to your body, because its biological clock will inevitably respond and demand attention. Of course, we can ignore it, but it will simply backfire and result in the blues - a state of apathy, inactivity, boredom and general discouragement. So it's better to slow down than to brake completely.
What does it mean to slow down? This may mean something different for everyone. Maybe we need to limit our time for hanging out with friends, extra sactivities, or compulsive behaviors such as mindless Internet surfing or scrolling through social media feeds. All this makes our mind more tired and more difficult to fall asleep and regenerate. Instead, limit yourself to the necessary and obligatory things and give yourself space to rest, but in a real way.
How to rest? Of course, you should know your body best. So start listening to it! When it tells you: I'm tired, sleepy, please, let's go to bed. Listen to it! Don't ignore that inner voice until you can't sleep, but you will remain irritated and wake up the next day as if you had hit the wall. Instead, take a nap or just go to sleep - your body will decide and you will see how much and how quickly it will reward you. Because even after a short nap, you will regain sharpness and energy. And even if you sleep all evening and night - you haven't lost anything! Don't regret it! Because there is nothing better than waking up refreshed and energetic for a new day. You will see how your efficiency will increase and your work will be satisfying again.
In this new period for your body, also take care of your diet. Yes, everyone is talking about it now. It's true because it's important and it works. Eat more fruit and vegetables and limit sugar, including sweetened drinks. This will not only help you feel better, but also take care of your skin when the wind and low temperature will be particularly harmful to it.
What if you've already had the blues (more advice can be found in the article Meditation on spring solstice)?
You don't want to do anything and the whole world seems bad and useless. Oh well🤔! It's time to deal with the monster and drive it away. First, take care of the basics, i.e. what I described above - sleep and eating. Especially if you are elderly and sick. Remember, your metabolism is already slower and your body needs more time to recover. Therefore, do not burden it too much. Change your eating habits. Less bread, more salads for breakfast. Instead of fatty foods - easily digestible soups. Cut down on dairy - you're not a kid anymore.🤤. Maybe you're worried about farts and gassy intestines. Oh well? Don't worry, it's a temporary symptom. It will go away after two weeks as your bacterial flora changes. In sum, your intestines will thank you and your immune system will strengthen - fewer colds and infections! Is it worth it? It's worth it!
Another basic thing is spending time outdoors. Make the most of sunny days. Open the windows and let the sun's rays into your home or office. Walk during the day. Elderly people often complain: my joints and muscles hurt so bad etc. They hurt because they are stiffed and will hurt when starting - this is normal. When young people go to the gym, everything hurts and they have sore muscles. But exercise makes pain go away, strength increases, and energy increases. This is how we work. If your joints hurt, start walking, do simple exercise, see on YouTube how to do it, and even if you don't know how - just go, breathe deeply, look at the trees, houses, sky, and you will see how after a few weeks you will feel better, your strenght will start to come back as well as willingness to live and act. And the movement will become routine. Joint pain will be forgotten for free, without any chemical pills.
And the third thing to do is find something that will relax you, allow you to rest. What could it be? A hot bath in the tub with scented salt, candles and tea with ginger and honey. Relaxing massage in a professional salon. A good book in a comfortable armchair with a soft blanket. Music that soothes the soul or developing a hobby. There are plenty of possibilities. Look for something for yourself and say to the blues: go away!
You can't change the weather outside (unless you fly to Africa, but here there is also the autumn solstice, just revealed differently), and you can't change the seasons, but something you can change are your habits. So decide that this fall you will listen to your body and take care not only of a warm jacket, but also of your soul and mind, and you will not let the blues settle in your home.
What are your ways to fight the autumn solstice and the blues? Be sure to write in a comment!!!
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Pawle DZIĘKUJĘ bardzo za piękny artykuł.Jestem zaskoczona TWOJĄ zdolnością i zrozumieniem jak człowiek może sobie pomóc.Nie ukrywam że w praktyce napewno nie jest to łatwe.POZDRAWIAM
Ja włączam muzykę na cały regulator, zaczynam gotować i w międzyczasie sprzątać. Otwieram okna. Potem robię sobie herbatę, delektuję się czystym mieszkaniem, biorę książkę i włączam grzejnik.