
Three pillars...
... happiness! In the pursuit of happiness people… lose their happiness. The thing they try to hold so tight becomes unreachable. It’s just like chasing after the wind. Effort and energy needlessly wasted. Why does that happen? Because we don’t understand the basic mechanisms that create our body[...]
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Eve's wound [II]
The pursuit of independence. How would you describe today’s woman? I’d call her “a fighting woman”. Above all she fights for her independence, equality, and position. This fight is bloody, deprives of energy and joy, and creates fears for the future[...]
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Meditation on...
...Loneliness. He seemed to be a winner. Everything he touched turned into gold. Always in the spotlight, popular. People admired him and were jealous of his status. However, when I looked at him, away from the spotlight, he looked serious, thoughtful… sad. He sat in front of me[...]
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Eve's wound
What of the father? Her eyes were so seductive. Her expressive lips were covered with red lipstick, and her cheeks powdered with pink. Black straight hair lopped to her waist. Nails painted red, and sexy fishnet stockings adorned her legs. Wearing a short dress she was sitting in front of me, crossed her legs and asked[...]
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Stop complaining...part II
... beat the routine! "I have everything. My own house, two cars, a loving wife, and a smart daughter, but still I feel empty inside," Daniel told me. "Why do you feel this way?" I asked. "No clue, basically, nothing makes me happy. It hard for me to get up in the morning, and when I finally do, then I'm not in the mood to do anything...
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