Adam's Hardships...

Paul Dulski
01/10/20 14:30:38

The Pansy's cry


A real man might get hurt, might stumble, break down, and even fall. In such states he can shed a tear because he realized that he’d lost a battle, but then he wipes the tears, dusts himself off, and stands, because he knows that the whole war is at stake. This is real strength.
Selfish men, “princes”, don’t cry because they don’t care about anything with the exception of themselves. But when they do cry, it’s just a result of their constantly feeling sorry about their lives. On the other hand, when a real man cries, he does that because he cares and understands that he must prepare to battle — he gathers energy.
A real man understands that leaving his woman whenever hardship comes is a good solution only for “princes”, expecting easy choices. But a real man fights; he knows that chivalry calls for struggle and sacrifice. He’s aware that by facing problems he’s creating his real masculinity and character.


  • Kalusia

    Ciekawe co na to mężczyźni. Mocne słowa mogą ugodzić nie jednego faceta. No cóż może trzeba coś przemyśleć. Niech więc myślą.

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