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Paul Dulski
10/01/24 01:15:30

Horrible Trauma Assault, robbery. We've all heard about it, but we think it won't happen to us. I thought so too. In this blog I describe my story and the conclusions drawn from it, what can be done to avoid it, how to protect yourself effectively and, if possible, escape unharmed.

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Paul Dulski
06/01/21 13:25:23

Pandemics. We are fed up with living during this pandemics. For many of us life will never be the same. We can say that virtually everything has changed: our plans, dreams, and goals. How to deal with the new reality? Read these three practical instructions which can increase your level of happiness.

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Adam's Hardships[III]

Paul Dulski
29/11/20 17:40:04

A boy. What is the difference between a man and a boy? A man falls down to rise up in his own strength. A boy though, falls down and needs someone to help him get up. A man cries, but will show courage eventually. A boy cries, but he’s helpless. A man comes up against problems, on the other hand, a boy turns around and refuses to face the problems. A man acknowledges he’s submitted to God, meanwhile, a boy gets hysterical[...]

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Adam's Hardships[II]

Paul Dulski
11/11/20 22:54:40

Mama's Boy. Fear is the opposite of courage. It can be strongly disruptive to a man and his will to act. It suppresses his progress and is often a cause of interpersonal conflicts. Definitely, fear is a negative quality. On the home page of my website you can read: Fight your fear! But that’s just a slogan; some kind of simplification. In fact we can’t fight or defeat fear. It is a figment of imagination about something, based on something[…]

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mężczyzna pod drzewem

Meditation on...

Paul Dulski
20/09/20 20:25:19

...Loneliness. He seemed to be a winner. Everything he touched turned into gold. Always in the spotlight, popular. People admired him and were jealous of his status. However, when I looked at him, away from the spotlight, he looked serious, thoughtful… sad. He sat in front of me[...]

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In the Beginning...

Paul Dulski
29/07/20 13:34:04 created fear and suffering. Why are we scared? Why do we feel fear? Why do so many people suffer, not as much physically, as mentally, and emotionally? These are the question we'd like to examine know, basing on PRIMAL FEAR THEORY. Let's get started! In order to understand human fears, we have to move to the beginning of his being. This is where it all began [...]

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